
i am chachi boy bones

i am chihuahua! i am from meh-eee-co! April 28, 2010

Filed under: chihaha's! — chachi boy bones @ 7:16 pm

hola friends! it is me, chachi boy bones! bol! bol! it is time for a chihaha!

it is me, chachi boy bones and i am wearing my sombrero! how’s that for a chihaha to make you smile?!

i must tell you, i much prefer my sombrero over those stupid sweaters that my stupid mom makes me wear! my grammy cindy got me this sombrero- bol! it is just right to fit on my chihuahua-sized head. oh man, my stupid mom wants me to put a picture of me in a stupid sweater so you, my friends, can pick which looks better! stupid mom!

stupid sweater with a stupid built-in scarf!

ok, friends! which do you prefer for me to wear- the handsome chihuahua-sized sombrero or the stupid sweater? leave a comment below with your vote!


nomnoms for me! April 23, 2010

Filed under: chachism of the day — chachi boy bones @ 8:14 pm
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hola friends! it is me, chachi boy bones! here is me… in the kitchen cabinet- as i have told you, i am small, small! and i am wearing my buckeyes sweater, one of my less stupid of stupid sweaters. but i digress…

i am in the kitchen cabinet because a) i am small enough to fit and my stupid sisters aren’t; b) the cabinet door was open; and c) at the other end of the cabinet is where my nomnoms are! bol!

i must tell you, my friends- if you do not speak chihuahua, you may not know what nomnoms are. nomnoms are tasty, yummy doggie treats! bol! i say “nom nom nom nom nom!” but again, i digress…

now, if i get in the kitchen cabinet, i can just totter around in the cabinet and steal some nomnoms! bol! and my stupid sisters are too big, big to fit and they get noooooooo nomnoms!

so, my friends, i must tell you… this adventure into the kitchen cabinet for some nomnoms has lead me to this chachism of the day…

sometimes, it is good to be small, small!

nomnoms for chachi boy bones!


chihaha for my mom! April 10, 2010

Filed under: chihaha's! — chachi boy bones @ 10:52 pm
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hola friends! it is me, chachi boy bones! i must tell you, my stupid mom had “one of those days” today. not a bad day, not a horrible day, just one of those days. so, to make my mom smile, i had my dad take this picture of me and my stupid sisters. i thought this picture would make my mom laugh- and it DID! bol! it did!

so, now i pass this picture on to all of you… just to make you smile. i shall call this “one of those days” smiles, brought to you from chachi boy bones, … … …chihaha’s! bol!

my friends, i must tell all those who do not speak dog, bol = bark out loud. you know, like lol… ohhhhhhhhhhh, if i have to explain it to you, nevermind! omd! you stupid people really need to learn to speak dog. you need  5 pounds of pure chihuahua to ‘splain this all to you?!


but i digress…

my first chihaha… more to come, just to make you smile!


Work hard, then nap April 3, 2010

Filed under: chachism of the day — chachi boy bones @ 11:56 am

hola friends! it is me, chachi boy bones! time for another chachism…

chachi boy bones, blog dog

here i am, working on my blog. i had my mom take this picture (man, i’m handsome! i am wearing my most sophisticated stupid sweater.) mom got me a netbook just for my blogging and dogbooking… well, actually she got it for dad, but i use it more. he just plays stupid games on it- not even online games, just the games the netbook came with! but i digress…

so, i am working on my blog and dad keeps bothering me “what are you doing, chachi boy bones? what are you typing? why are you on the computer all the time, chachi boy bones?” normally, i respect my dad and look up to him, waaaaaaaaay up to him- he’s 6 feet tall and i am like, not even 1 foot tall- small, small compared to my dad. but i digress…

and so i say “shut up, stupid dad! i am working on my blog! people need to hear what i have to say! i am chachi boy bones, i am chihuahua. go away, stupid dad!” and dad gives me the sideways look, uh-oh. “sorry, dad” i say and growlie at him under my breath.

i must say, why do people have to always know what you are doing? and why you are doing it? i am chihuahua and i am blogging and dogbooking… if you want to know more than that, then READ my blog, stupid dad! DUH! *chachi growlies again* but i digress…

now i must concentrate on my chachism… i work hard on my chachisms, trying to get my faithful readers to think… to look deeper into the world and realize that small, small and big, big are not so different sometimes. as 5 pounds of pure chihuahua, my brain is not very big, big and i must concentrate with all my might. and now i am tired… so my chachism of the day is… when you find something you love, any hard work that it may require of you, is worth it- and let a nap be your reward. *chachi yawns* nap, my friends, nap…

sleepy chachi boy bones